Accueil » Éducation » A young Burkinabe obtains his BEPC with an average of 19.33

A young Burkinabe obtains his BEPC with an average of 19.33

by Theophile
Koïta Abdoulaye Abidine

The 15-year-old young man is the subject of congratulations on the web.

The young Koita Abdoulaye Abidine from the Saint-Gabriel High School in Manga aged 15 presented and obtained his BEPC this year with an overall average of 19.33/20. On the web, he is presented as the example to follow, for the young people of Burkina Faso. He also obtained 20/20 in language and his marks are mostly excellent. His lowest marks are 18.5 out of 20 in Biology, English and history.


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