Human rights activist Félix Agbor Nkongho has said it is time for an Anglophone to be brought to the helm of Cameroon.
After Ahmadou Ahidjo and Paul Biya, it is time for an English speaker to enter the Etoudi Palace. So thinks human rights activist Agbor Nkongho. In a video on his twitter account, the lawyer stressed the need to have an English-speaking leader at the head of Cameroon at a time when the separatist conflict continues to get bogged down.
“It is not easy but we can have an English-speaking president. We have to do that with the francophones, who have to help the anglophones. After Presidents Ahidjo and Mr. Biya, it is also time to have an English-speaking president in Cameroon…“, said Agbor Nkongho.
A statement that will certainly revive the debate on the succession at the top of the state. Since independence, Cameroon has been governed by two French-speaking Heads of State. According to several observers, perhaps the election of an English speaker in Etoudi could help decant the crisis in the North-West and South-West regions where the army and Ambazonian fighters clash.