Accueil » Economie » Cameroon – Western Region: Transformer failure deprives several divisions of electricity

Cameroon – Western Region: Transformer failure deprives several divisions of electricity

par Theophile
Agent ENEO engagé sur un chantier de réhabilitation du réseau de distribution a Yaounde

Bamboutos, Hauts-Plateaux, Koung-Khi, Menoua, Ndé and Noun divisions are experiencing more than usual disruptions in the supply of electric power.

According to the governor of the Western region, Awa Fonka Augustine, these disruptions in these divisions are linked to an incident that occurred since Friday, September 13 in the transformer supplying all the localities of the said divisions. This incident disrupted not only the supply of electricity, but also the distribution of running water, the governor said.

In order to alleviate the inconvenience caused, the governor indicates that “provisional measures have been put in place, within the limits of technical possibilities, to ensure the rotation of electricity in the impacted divisions”. In short, energy rationing will be done “from Bafoussam and Bamenda”, the two major cities in the West and North-West regions. While the resupply of the Ndé division will be done from the city of Nkongsamba, in the Littoral region, via the Haut-Nkam division, the only division in the West region spared.

Awa Fonka Augustine reassures that the teams of the energy company Eneo and the National Electricity Transmission Company “are hard at work (…) with a view to returning to normal as soon as possible”.


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