Accueil » Cameroun » Douala-Miscellaneous fact: she leaves home for excessive abstinence

Douala-Miscellaneous fact: she leaves home for excessive abstinence

par Theophile
Ville de Douala

Aline, a newlywed bride, filed a complaint Friday against her husband, accused of leaving her for eight months, after a mission and internship for nearly a year-and-a-half abroad.

Our colleagues from Cameroon Tribune reported a new unusual story this August 3, 2023. Since July 28, Aline, 29, has filed a complaint against her husband Jean-Claude, 36, for failure to fulfill his marital duty.

It is a difficult marriage like that of this couple currently in the process of divorce. Two days after the wedding night, Jean-Claude leaves for a mission followed by an internship abroad for a year and a half. His wife is having a hard time with her abstinence and when her husband returns home eight months ago, it is only natural that she asks for him, reports Cameroon Tribune. But her husband invokes fatigue due to the trip. Later, he continues in abstinence by sleeping fully clothed, closing himself in the shower during his bath and coming out fully clothed. Ten days ago, Aline reached the breaking point and caused a scandal, leaving her husband indifferent. She does this again two days in a row, to no avail. On July 27, her husband returned from work with his cousin.

Jean Claude brings his wife to their room and tells her that his cousin has come to satisfy her sexually. She comes out of the room and screams that she did not marry the cousin and that if her husband no longer loves her, he should give her a divorce. The cousin will be renewed without follow-up. It is the next day that Aline will go to the gendarmerie to file a complaint. Her husband was summoned twice, to no avail. On August 1, his wife was again heard by the gendarmes, we read between the lines of Cameroon Tribune this Thursday. Since then, she has not set foot in the marital home in Akwa. Her husband had his absence recorded at the matrimonial home by a bailiff. The case is therefore far from having delivered its outcome.

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