Jean De Dieu Momo: “Who benefits from the crime of my withdrawal from social networks? “

Momo Jean De DieuMomo Jean De Dieu

Momo Jean De Dieu

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of Justice, after having taken a step back with social networks following the controversy relating to a sextape scandal in which he became involved more than once, even siding in a different camp from that government, made its comeback on July 8, 2021 on the web. Jean de Dieu Momo questions the interest that some people have in trying to remove him from this environment and recalls for all intents and purposes that a minister is by etymology someone who is close to the people.

Many Internet users have criticized my presence on social networks, believing that this space reserved for the public would be excluded from people exercising public functions. Many of my friends have made the same remark to me as well, recommending that I rise above the mass to house myself at the Olympics.

These criticisms are not irrelevant if I believe the comments that I have demeaned the brilliance of office by mixing myself with the people. However, opinions being divided, I provide some clarification to prevent my followers from being misled by the cunning of those who want to keep them away from political knowledge.

I first recall that etymologically a Minister is a servant of the people like ministers of religion, he is the one who is responsible for administering the affairs of the State. And how can we serve these people if we don’t stoop down to wash their feet or empty their garbage cans like our Mayors do? But I believe that to better serve the people you have to listen to them in order to share with them their sorrows and frustrations at the same time as you have to educate them when some try to mislead them to make them wrong.

And this is where I discover the festering wounds of power on men of power who exercise a sacrificial priesthood under insults and all kinds of violence in the service of the people as has just demonstrated the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise, or even recently the slap administered to French President Emmanuel Macron!

This is why I have come to suggest that it is urgently necessary to form the civic conscience of the people to allow them to make enlightened choices and not to go into overflows contrary to the laws or even simple courtesy in debates.

Indeed, being a true citizen, acting as such, participating in public life, discussing and then choosing wisely and constructively is not an innate disposition; that has to be learned. There is a learning process to be done in order to achieve good civic competence, that is, an adequate understanding of the institutional workings of political life, sufficient knowledge of the major problems facing humanity and an ability to grasp the complexity of reality with all its links and interactions, its multidimensional phenomena and its implications. Civic competence is the oxygen of democracy. There is no denying the importance, in any organizational and decision-making context, of a high level of awareness based on a deep and broad knowledge of reality.

With a view to broadening citizen participation in our hypercomplex societies where experts and specialists dominate, this dimension is even more fundamental. Moreover, it is on it that the enlightened exercise of popular sovereignty rests. “To be informed is to be free”, said René Lévesque in this regard. The right to speak up, participate and then decide is not enough. It must be supported by a good political education, an adequate mastery of knowledge and an ability to organize information (I would come back to the excesses of information in another publication).

Should it be recalled that a decision taken democratically, therefore resulting from a majority of citizens or even a parliamentary majority, is not necessarily a good decision, especially when it is taken in haste and general ignorance, under the nefarious influence of emotional coups or blind partisanship?

One thing should be known from the outset: that there are two opposing camps on the political level in Cameroon, and this since the accession of our country to international sovereignty. Exactly like two football teams playing on the same pitch. Each team tries to seduce the actors-spectators in the game or out of the game. Social networks are therefore the new, virtual ground for political mobilizations. It is in the social media arena that each team wants to demonstrate that they are the best. And to do so, some choose the multiplication of false accounts, slander, slander, fake news in short, anything that can contribute to dirtying the adversary.

The challenge of countering political ignorance and citizen disengagement is immense and challenges not only leaders and elected officials but all actors in collective life, starting with parents and educators, who are primarily responsible for the development of another essential component of civic competence, emotional intelligence, which involves empathy, open-mindedness, tolerance and the ability to communicate authentically with respect for others, therefore to debate and to participate collegially in the progress of society. It is in this titanic project that we are engaged, benefiting from the expertise acquired during our years in the opposition and the experience gained in the political struggle to raise us to the current level.

Let us take a look at the behavior of those who are filled with anger and whose hearts have been poisoned by hate. They are generally recruited from those who have not achieved certain goals in their life, those who have been misled without the knowledge of their intimate conviction, or those who have outright messed up their life when they had everything for it. succeed. For example, there are many who were making noise in class and throwing Hawaks (paper plane) at the Amphi. They are the race of those who sneer when their comrades give the wrong answer when they don’t even try to answer themselves. They also belong to the race in which the opposition has been inoculated into their blood by the environment in identity groups where we say over and over again that everything is bad and have ended up integrating it. It was this last race that I myself belonged to before being visited by the genius who opened my eyes to tangible reality so that I too would help others to know the truth about their country.

Today, left on the sidewalk of happiness, those who have not had the chance like me to wake up to reality and who continue in a destructive sleepwalking, have become embittered, hateful, angry and all the time on the edge. apoplexy. Their favorite register is slander, slander, fake news, the proliferation of false accounts to maintain the brand image of their country whose leaders they hold responsible for their failure. They refuse to admit that they started out with the same luck as everyone else and that they have let all the opportunities available to them slip away. This spirit of self-destruction is contagious, and I am uniquely placed to advise avoiding all those people whose specialty is blaming others for their own crumbling.

When we scrutinize the national political scene we realize that the opposition most often recruits from among those people who are angry, who have rage and whose bloodshot eyes spit the fires of hatred. Like the awakened churches which recruit mainly from the poor to whom the gurus sell the hope of a better life in paradise, so the opposition sells the wind and the chimeras to the people who have been left on the sidewalk of the progress or who have strayed on the road to personal development and the quest for heights.

And this is where the social networks

Categories: Cameroun
Theophile: Toute l’actualité du Cameroun 24/7, Cameroon aujourd'hui Gouvernement, Politique, Economie, Sport, Societé, etc, Devise de la presse: Le Portail du Cameroun. C’est un moteur de recherche et un moyen de communication simple sur internet dédié au Cameroun et à l’Afrique.