Accueil » Cameroun » Ngaoundéré III: Motorcycle riders with no license

Ngaoundéré III: Motorcycle riders with no license

par Theophile
The divisional delegate of Transport of Vina, Abdouraman organized on the 16th March 2024 a session on the upgrade of motor-taxis in the deliberation room of Ngaoundéré III Town Hall

The divisional delegate of Transport of Vina, Abdouraman organized on the 16th March 2024 a session on the upgrade of motor-taxis in the deliberation room of Ngaoundéré III Town Hall.

This initiative led by the municipality in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport aims to reduce the risk of accidents on public roads. Indeed, according to latest statistics, 70% of traffic accidents are caused by human error with casualties mostly being pupils, students and the elderly. Of the 286 motor-taxi men in the municipality, 95% are involved in traffic accidents. That’s because they don’t know how to drive much less the code of the road. On top of that, they are big drug users. Factors that add up to the accidentogenic nature of certain road lanes.

Another alarming note, 50% of motor-taxi drivers do not have a National Identity Card (CNI). To make up for these shortcomings, road safety experts (police) and the Cameroonian Red Cross have provided training to participants on first aid, first aid actions, traffic, the road code among others. The mayor of Ngaoundéré III, Mohamadou Bassirou has committed to continue the activities to raise awareness of the population, especially the motor taxi drivers. He promised to issue 100 driving licenses and CNI certificates to this category of professionals. On the same occasion, peers educators were also trained to accompany the municipality in this initiative. They’ll be out in communities over the next few days raising awareness among public road users.

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