Accueil » Santé » Poliomyelitis: Minsante announces two vaccination campaigns this 2024

Poliomyelitis: Minsante announces two vaccination campaigns this 2024

par Theophile
Minister of Public Health in Geneva, Switzerland, on the occasion of the 154th Executive Board of the WHO

The Cameroonian Minister of Public Health (Minsante) spoke last January 25 in Geneva, Switzerland, on the occasion of the 154th Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO), to let it be known that Cameroon is continuing this year its ambition to eradicate poliomyelitis throughout the national triangle.

For this year’s account, Manaouda Malachie indicated that his country faces a risk of contagion in the sub-region. This is why two national campaigns are planned this year in synchronization with neighboring Nigeria. The first campaign is announced in February, the second in March.

In 2023, the Cameroonian government had already organized two similar national campaigns. But for a different reason. Because, last year, it was first a question of responding effectively against poliomyelitis in the national triangle. Although Cameroon was declared a “wild poliovirus-free country” in June 2020, there are still identified cases. Minister Manaouda Malachie speaks of an “outbreak situation” with 12 isolated cases, including 11 in the city of Yaounde alone.

To definitively defeat this disease, Cameroon has embarked on a vast transition plan. Consultations are currently being carried out with the WHO regional office on the priority areas to take into account. It turns out that Cameroon wants to intensify surveillance, routine vaccination, community engagement and human resources development.


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