Richard Makon: “Like the rain, injustice falls on everyone’s roofs”, in Cameroon

Richard MakonRichard Makon

Richard Makon

The academic made a podium on Thursday, September 02, 2021, to talk about injustice. Injustice does not spare anyone and as such we must support those who are struck by injustice. offers you the full text.


No injustice is more serious than another. It is only a question of individual or collective perception! And no victim of injustice is more to be pitied than other victims of injustice. Injustice is injustice !!!

To be just, we must condemn with the utmost energy all forms of injustice and have for the victims of injustice, when it is proven, the same compassion and the same level of support.

Firstly because, like the rain, injustice falls on everyone’s roofs. It is only a question of time and season, but no one escapes it, rich or poor, rulers as well as ruled, victims and executioners. And therefore to condemn it today is to exorcise it so that it does not taint tomorrow.

Second, because the greatest enemy to the progress of a society and the most fertile ground for the budding of all crises (political, economic, social and cultural) is injustice. To condemn it now is therefore to smooth out its own path and guarantee its own future.

In a society that has become permeable to the darkness of our time and to the wickedness of men, the inclination to injustice becomes very strong and the reign of arbitrariness settles down happily and durably. Sooner or later, in such a society, injustice ends up destroying all lives.

Unfortunately there is a particularly cynical attitude that is damaging to social cohesion and to republican harmony which consists, on the one hand, in supporting certain “victims” of injustice to the detriment of others, and on the other in having a variable geometry condemnation of proven unjust acts.

This attitude, which is not only a fertilizer of this injustice and a dissolver of national unity, can be analyzed as a manifestation of the generalized corruption which plagues our society and the direct consequence of our collective propensity for favoritism, interested sectarianism and calculated, and to identity and village withdrawal.

If we demand that justice be done to those in our village or our proximity, we consciously or unconsciously make the bed with injustice …

Categories: Cameroun Opinion
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