Accueil » Recrutement » Yaoundé Higher Teacher Training College: Training fees increase from 50,000 to 250,000 FCFA for independent auditors

Yaoundé Higher Teacher Training College: Training fees increase from 50,000 to 250,000 FCFA for independent auditors

par Theophile
Students of Yaoundé Higher Teacher Training College

The permanent section of the board of directors of the Yaoundé Higher Teacher Training College (HTTC) was held on September 4, 2024 in Yaoundé.

During this work, the members decided to increase training fees for independent auditors to 250,000 FCFA per year for all cycles combined. This amount represents a fivefold increase in the rate previously in force. Indeed, training fees were previously 50,000 FCFA. The board specifies that the new terms will be applied from the next recruitment.

This removal of the cap on training fees comes at a time when the country’s eight public teacher training colleges are in crisis. This crisis arose from the cessation of recruitment for direct integration into the civil service a few years ago. Since then, these schools have only trained independent auditors who are not automatically recruited into the civil service after their training. To fill the void left by this lack of interest, these schools have massively recruited independent auditors. This led the Minister of Higher Education to suspend these recruitments for a “better readability of the contours and proportions of recruitment of independent auditors”.


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